
The Endless Summer | Bruce Brown

Combien de film reste encore méconnu, combien de chef d’œuvre sont encore inédits sur le support numérique ? The End n'a pas de réponse à apporter à ces questions. En revanche lorsque nous apprenons qu'un film culte de l’acabit de The Endless Summer ressort en dvd (zone 2 uk), et ce, de fort belle manière, notre rôle (aussi modeste soit-il) est de partager la nouvelle avec vous.

The search for the perfect wave... They call it The Endless Summer - the ultimate surfing adventure, crossing the globe in search of the perfect wave. From the uncharted waters of West Africa, to the shark-filled seas of Australia, to the tropical paradise of Tahiti and beyond, these California surfers accomplish in a few months what most people never do in a lifetime... they live their dream. Director Bruce Brown creates a film so powerful it has become a timeless masterpiece that continues to capture the imagination of every new generation. When it first played in theaters, audiences lined up to see it again and again, spellbound by its thrilling excitement and awesome photography. But in fact, what's most compelling about the film is the sport of surfing itself, and once you've seen it, you'll never forget why. The Endless Summer became an instant cult classic upon its release in 1968 and has more than stood up to the test of time as it continues to wow audiences. Stunning photography, a fascinating adventure story and a humorous narrative mean this film has secured a place in the heart of film-lovers and the surfing community. Collector s edition includes follow up film Endless Summer Revisited, Disc 1: The Endless Summer Disc 2: The Endless Summer Revisited

Réalisé en 1966, The Endless Summer est sans aucun doute le film le plus culte autour de la pratique du surf et de sa philosophie. Suivant deux surfeurs à travers le monde (Ghana, Australie, Tahiti, Hawaï,...etc) Bruce Brown dépeint une génération respirant la joie de vivre, l'insouciance d'une époque pourtant marqué par la guerre du Vietnam comme cela pût être traité par John Milius dans, son non moins incontournable surf movie, Big Wednesday.

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